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With Sarah Roberts

Saffron Jade is more than just a hair care brand; it’s a mission to improve lives with quality products, through education, coaching, and empowerment. Saffron Jade’s 1 on 1 healthy hair consultation and coaching is all about you and your hair.  The service provides a reflective and learning space about your physical, social, emotional, and spiritual relationship with yourself, which allows you to develop a healthy relationship with your hair. 

  • A copy of our Masterclass “You and Your Hair” (paperback or digital)
  • Rose Almond Moisture Spray (250ml)
  • 30-Minute call to discuss the current health of your hair and scalp
  • Schedule an in-person or virtual consultation
  • Discuss a holistic view of you and your hair from a health perspective
  • Your hair goals
  • Select healthy products and devise a hair care regime
  • Post-consultation monthly check-in for 3 months
  • 30-Minute session to discussing progress, condition, and health of your hair